Saturday, October 4, 2008

And the winner is....

Once again our Vikings pull out a strong win against the rivals, (especially for our family) the lone peak knights! WAY TO GO BOYS!!!!
Final score PG: 24 LP: 21

We love to sit next to Jechelle and Kenly at every game they make it so much more fun! This is us girls after the game showing our viking pride!!!

and this is Ryan thinking he is least he is smiling though ;)

JJ & Brock

Jen & Trev

Where's Jen?!?
Shawn, Jenica, Bryce

The girls and Coach Kyle Sanderson...This is a tradition picture. Everytime we win lone peak we take this picture!

This is our favorite football player Shawn and his dad! He is like our brother and we have so much fun watching him play. We love you Shawn Good Job!!

Jechelle came and took me to the ground....

...but not for long, she obviously forgot who she was messing with. I ended up victorious! I guess that is a bonus in being a wrestler's mom.

The Levin girls will ALWAYS Bleed Blue!

Our Soccer Sunbeams

JJ got a new calling, she helps me in the sunbeams! So last Saturday we went and supported them in their soccer game, but i dont know if you can really call it "soccer." It is so cute they all basically just run away from the ball and watch it roll onto their feet, some even go the wrong way. We have a total of 13 sunbeams but these are just the ones who play soccer

JJ, Sydney, Zach, Emma, Kelsey